The ban time is determined by sv_vote_kick_ban_duration. Kick: Kick a selected player out of the server and bans the player from joining the server temporarily.There are ten types of votes that can be called: This is controlled with the server command sv_vote_quorum_ratio. Using default values, votes require a minimum of 60% of the team to vote Yes for the vote to succeed. Particular voting types can also be disabled by specific server commands. The voting system can be disabled by setting the server command sv_allow_votes to 0. Before this feature was added, the only way to change maps, kick, or ban players was via console commands, or using server mods.
Two later updates that included tweaks to the system were made available in the beta, before the system went live in Team Fortress 2 on April 14. The voting system was first introduced into the Team Fortress 2 Beta on MaPatch (Beta). A vote type can then be selected and the vote is put to all players present in the server, unless the vote is to kick a player in which case it will only be broadcast to the same team as the target player. Any player can initiate a vote by clicking on the checkbox icon in the main menu. The various voting options enable players to vote on a map change, to kick a particular player or to scramble the teams. It enables any player to call a vote to enact a change on the server. Voting is a game feature added in the Hatless Update on ApPatch.
The Soldier celebrating democracy at work